It may be a good thing that we are moving soon. After spending a week and a half stuck in my house, I am ready to leave. Last Monday night I felt really achy and decided I needed to go to bed early to try and keep whatever illness I was getting from coming. 3 days later, I was able to get out of bed and function at a limited level. Yes, I became a victim of the swine flu. Not the official diagnosis but based on others experiences with it, I conclude that is what I had.
Sadly, that was Walt's last week home before he started his new job but happily he was still home to take care of things. As a Mom, I usually get sick but I am still able to find enough energy to preform the basic functions to keep the family together. With this flu, I couldn't move and was in a lot of pain. Walt was able to get most of the items on his list done but not everything. He may have been to busy trying all he could so he didn't end up getting sick for his first day of work. That wouldn't make a very good first impression. For the most part, he succeeded with a slight fever and some coughing, but he didn't miss any work.
Max was next victim, with the school calling me Thursday morning to come and get him. He had a low grade fever and a headache. Luckily that was all that happened with him and he was back to his usual self that weekend. Van also had a low fever for a day but has recovered. I was beginning to think that Ian was the carrier of this nasty flu, but Monday night he started running a fever. I sure hope this is the end. He will be going to school tomorrow and other then the coughing and a few runny noses we are all on the mend. I did venture out briefly for a Walmart trip, and was exhausted after. That has been the hardest to get over. I have little energy and can't wait for it to come back.
I am glad that we have been hit with it now rather than latter. I am shocked that we didn't all get sick during the week of the cruise. That would have really sucked. I hope all of you are doing well or recovering quickly from what ever ails you.
February Fun
1 year ago
Ugh, nasty stuff
Yup, sounds pretty swiney to me. We, knock on wood, have managed to elude the crud. We have had plenty of other pooh on our plates to keep us from feeling too picked on about missing the flu gift that has seemed to land at every one's door!
I am glad you are on the downslide of it all. You're almost there!
Congrats on the move! Arizona is going to miss your cute family!
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