At about 4pm I noticed that Van's eyes were starting to get very goopy and after talking with Carrie about Jane I figured that he developed and ear infection and what she had. Well, since I am now a Den mother and Pinewood Derby was that night I was just going to take the boys with me since Walt wasn't going to be home in time. But now with Van being sick I decided not to go and in the morning I was going to take him in to get some antibiotics. Walt called to check in and said he would come home so I could go. As I was getting ready, Van was on a little stool playing with my light switch, the doorbell rang. It was the neighbor girl wanting to play. Walt is pulling in the driveway and I hear the stool bang on the floor and Van crying. I told Hannah she had to go and I went to comfort Van. I gave him a hug and then noticed the blood pouring from his head. I grab a paper towel and yelled for Walt to hurry up.
Luckily there is an Urgent Care just about a mile from our house so I had Walt drive us over. I don't like Urgent Cares because they take forever, but the key is to go in with a bleeding head wound on a child and you go right in. Just a little tip the next time you need to go in with Strep Throat or something like that. Just cut your head and you don't have to wait. Anyway, he needed 3 staples and so we did it right there. It is cruel, but I didn't like the fact that to get him sedated I had to take him to the ER, get an IV when staples would be quick and the pain would be over soon. They did numb the area well and Van was a trooper. They also checked his ears and eyes while we were there and got antibiotics for his infection.
He did have a rough night last night and just woke up. He does look a lot better and the swelling is gone. But the staples are a little creepy. Of course, Max and Ian think it is awsome. On the way to the UC, Walt mentioned how great it was that he had already shaved his head. Way to look for the silver lining honey! Here are some pictures to document this milestone.