I have definitely gotten better with age. Other than being a little fatter and more aches and pains, but I think I have definitely gotten prettier and wiser. I look back as to what I was like as a teenager and wish I new then what I know now. I was a pain in the neck. I was negative about everything and cared about the stupidest things and didn't care about the things that mattered. I am a little more emotional than when I was younger, but a husband and kids do that to you. I am definitely happier all around. I am grateful for my kids and a husband that loves me and compliments me often. (A girl needs that) I have the gospel in my life which I don't think I could live without and 3 healthy boys that try my patience, but love dearly. I have a great extended family and friends that keep me sane. What more can a girl ask for? Oh yeah, I want a boob lift and a tummy tuck. Anyway thanks for all your birthday wishes so far and I love you all.
I actually did find some pictures of me as a youngster. You may notice that there are none of me as a teenager. That is because I had a very long ugly phase that ended about 5 years ago and started at about age 8. Enjoy
I was a cute baby.
Me with Grandpa and Grandma Perrins. I can't believe Grandpa is holding me.
My kindergarten picture. Again cute, but I wasn't happy about wearing a dress.
Graduating from Washington State. Yeah!
First of all, Happy Birthday!! Fine wine is better than aged cheese, right?
Second of all, your pictures made me soooooo nostalgic! I am fighting tears looking at the picture of you with Gma and Gpa in the den of your Mead house. I have some incredible memories of that house. We did so many family things there....sigh. Thanks for the pictures!
Do you know how I knew it was your Birthday? (besides the fact that I should've known?) - your name magically appeared on my birthday calendar in my kitchen... hmmmm.. I wonder how it got there :)
Happy Birthday LeaAnn! I hope you have a wonderful day and that your boys spoil you. It was fun to see you at Christmas time. And I'm thankful for all the great memories over the years.
COOL picture of you with grandma and grandpa.. you're one of the lucky ones I would say!
Love you!
Happy Birthday LeAnn - I love the kindergarten dress with ric-rac!
You are so discriptive! Happy Birthday. What did you do? Love Ya, Kathy
I would have to disagree about your ugly phase, it did not end five years ago! Your kindergarten picture is so cute! Dress and all. Go College Grad! I had a very nice time at lunch. Thanks for having a birthday. I enjoy reading your posts, you've got a great way with words. Maybe that's why we spend so much time talking.
Happy Birthday LeaAnn! Sorry I am a few days late.
Happy late b-day. Awsome pic of Grandma and Grandpa!
So is Shanell saying your ugly phase isn't over? I am confused.:) And Heather-that is hilarious! I am surprised that LeaAnn (or Lea Ann) is so sneaky! Sis, you know I love you more than anybody in this world (maybe even Walt) but don't tell him. You are the best!
How did only just now discover that you have a blog? What a terrible neighbor I am! I just have to say a couple of things - #1 Your kindergarten picture is ADORABLE! You were the cutest little girl I've ever seen. #2 I love you mentioning the "ugly phase." We totally have this in my family and refer to it often, except we call it a man phase. I'm pretty sure my sisters and I must have gone through worse ugly phases than you did for them to earn the more extreme title. They only seem to last a few years, right around the junior high time, but man were they bad. In fact my older sisters husband saw a team basketball picture of her in her man phase and he turned to me and asked "was she special needs?" I kid you not. It was that bad. Ahh, it makes me laugh just to think about it. K neighbor, that's all for now. :)
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